Jens Wäckerle

Postdoctoral Researcher

Work in Progress

Undermining the Parliamentary Patriarchy: Women, Political Speech, and Power around the World

In parliament, women can adapt to the male-dominated environment or maintain distinctiveness. We study speaking style and parliamentary trajectories in twenty-one democracies across the world between 1987 and 2020.

How Public Opinion Polarisation Shapes Conflict in International Negotiations: Evidence from Debates in the Council of the European Union (with Hauke Licht)

We focus on the way in which the polarisation and salience of public opinion in states affects their approach to policy making on the international level, namely the Council of the European Union.

How voters prioritize identities for descriptive representation (with Chitralekha Basu and Lea Kaftan)

We study how voters trade off between different identities, how important these different identities are for them and how they interact with substantive policy positions.